Would you find it in your heart...
If you utilize a fork solely for EATING purposes, it will last indefinitely. However, if you use it to drive nails or dig trenches, it will soon break. You must use it for what it is DESIGNED to do. Thank you, careerbuilder burnout article. SERIOUSLY. This is me at Gart.
-I absolutely LOATHE selling shit, and having to bombard customers with add-ons and service plans that they DON'T need.
-I dislike and am aggressively unmotivated by routine tasks and sameness in the workplace.
-The fluorescent lighting is killing my soul
So that about wraps it up. Eli is in Nebraska, so I stole his bed last night. That might seem odd, but my bed is broken, so eat it. I REALLY need to get that bad boy fixed. I might wanna get any incriminating evidence out from under it in the meantime...
My depth perception must be off again...
ONE MORE DAY of this shit this week. I can't wait for this weekend...
Yesterday marked exactly 2 WEEKS until Eli and I move outta here. Sweet.
I need to find lunch. HUNT/GATHER.
I also need to order checks. Lates, people.